Its weekend WCCO anchor team includes Esme Murphy, Erin Hassanzadeh, Mike Augustyniak, Jenifer Mayerle, and Jeff Wagner. The WCCO evening team consists of Chris Shaffer, Amelia Santaniello, Mike Max, and Frank Vascellaro. The channel’s Morning anchor team consists of Jason DeRusha, Heather Brown, Shayla Reaves, and Riley O’Connor.
For that reason, they have the most professional team of news personalities on their side looking into the little by little details of each possible event happening across Minnesota.
WCCO TV News realizes that news is important and people should get the latest updates as soon as possible. A journalism graduate of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Brickman went on to earn the degree of Bachelor of Science in Meteorology at Mississippi State University. His passion for weather turned into a career when he joined the first TV network WICD News. After joining the WNBC’s Storm Team, Brickman started hosting the channel’s weekend broadcast of News 4 New York at 6 pm and News 4 New York at 11 pm. Matt also used to provide severe weather coverage at WCCO Mn ranging from tornadoes to blizzards. Matt’s duties at WCCO Channel 4 News was providing weekday morning forecasts as a weekday meteorologist. Brickman spent 8 great years at CBS Minnesota. Matt Brickman’s last day on WCCO News was 20 August 2019, after he got a position at WNBC New York. You can get the streaming on mobile, laptop, tablet, or even on the iPad. Hit the huge play button below and get your favorite programs right here.

Minneapolis breaking news, WCCO local news, WCCO morning show, Minneapolis news today, and WCCO weather reports are available anytime, anywhere in the world within the reach of a few clicks.
To get a free and fast WCCO live stream, either open up the browser and watch it over the official website or enjoy the non-stop non-buffering streaming experience here on livenewsglobe. The channel offers HD transmission to the audience.